Gill Brooks, Upcycling Bags Workshop, 2018

A Time To Gather: Makers in Residence

Join A Handmade Life - six Inner West makers as they take time to gather, after six years of making and exhibiting to revisit old work, collaborate and share skills.
With a broad mastery of fibre and jewellery techniques they are offering a series of drop-in sessions for the creative and the curious. There will be impromptu demonstrations with some participation with emphasis on gathering to share skills/ideas and community. No bookings necessary. All welcome.

Drop In Crafting Sessions
Saturday 14 October – Sunday 29 October, 10am-4pm (Saturdays and Sundays), see website for event details

Workshop, Retail Event

Community, Educational, Fibre Arts, Jewellery, Sustainable

Images (l-r): Gil Brooks and Romana Toson, A Handmade Life gift shop, 2018. Upcycling bags workshop with Gil Brooks, 2018. Photos: courtesy the artists.