Bobbin Lace workshop, 2022

Jewellery from Bobbin Lace for Beginners

Simple bobbin lace techniques with Textiles Sydney will be used to create jewellery and also small metal vessels with either looping or bobbin lace around the rim. Students will be introduced to using wire and thread and can continue the workshop with their preferred choice. Even if you have never made bobbin lace before, you can go home wearing a unique piece of jewellery.

Workshop Saturday 14 October - Sunday 15 October, bookings essential $75 ($50 for non-members), see website for bookings and event details


Jewellery, Metalwork, Sculpture, Textiles

Top images (l-r): Textiles Sydney, Bracelets and small vessels made using the bobbin lace technique, 2023. Photos: Vicki Taylor.