Museum of History NSW, Matching colours of a late 19th century pattern.

Stitchers at Work

Tatting, knotting, knitting, pin-tucking, crocheting, pinking, stitching, stuffing, embroidering … needles fly when Museums of History NSW Soft Furnishings volunteers converge twice a month at Elizabeth Bay House to create, re-create and maintain existing furnishings for our historic houses. This conversational session will demonstrate the deep knowledge and curatorial rationale underpinning the work of the group.

Drop-in and see the Soft Furnishings volunteers at work in Elizabeth Bay House. Hear spot talks by coordinator Joanna Nicholas and see original sources from the Caroline Simpson Library: pattern books, household guides, trade catalogues, domestic and upholsterers’ manuals, along with a rich array of materials, silk, calico, moreen, glazed chintz, horsehair, holland, vellum, straw and possum skin.

Talks Monday 9 October (various times), check website for bookings and event details

Talk, Live demonstration

Educational, Live demonstration, Sustainable, Textiles, History

Images (l-r): Musuem of History NSW, Soft furnishings group at work. Photo: James Horan. Museum of History NSW, Matching colours of a late 19th century pattern. Photo: James Horan