Applications Open
27 March 2024
Sydney Craft Week Festival 2024
Friday 11 October to Sunday 20 October 2024
The Sydney Craft Week Festival is an initiative of Australian Design Centre. In 2024 we celebrate the 8th year of the Festival.
This year’s festival theme is RESPONSE.
Makers, galleries, shops, guilds, libraries, councils and other organisations are invited to consider the theme in their application and Festival event.
Announcing the theme Festival Director Lisa Cahill said:
“Designer makers respond to the world around them in their craft practice. They ask questions, research, investigate problems and pose solutions. They explore contemporary issues through making.
The Sydney Craft Week Festival 2024 invites designer makers, galleries, collectives, organisations, indeed anyone involved in the craft world, to respond to this call out with a project, event, workshop or exhibition that is a RESPONSE to something that perplexes, troubles, inspires or delights them and, when shared, will enable us all to consider or reconsider these issues.”
New in 2024, in response to Australian Design Centre’s 60th birthday, we’re aiming to have 60 open studios across Sydney during the festival. All designer makers are invited to open their studios at any time during the festival. We'll create a special Open Studios page in the guide and on the website with your details.
Last year, Sydney Craft Week Festival had an estimated audience of more than 73,000 people at 218 events in 37 suburbs. Makers told us they were inspired by other maker events and enjoyed the chance to network. Audiences loved meeting the makers and hearing their stories.
Join us for Sydney Craft Week this October. We can’t wait to see your RESPONSE.
Participant fee: $88.00 (inc GST)
The participation fee entitles you to one 150-word listing in the program. This listing can cover multiple events. If you are hosting an open studio in addition to your event the cost is included in this fee.
Open Studio fee: $60 (inc GST)
If you are only hosting an open studio this special offer is $60.
Your event/s will be listed in the Sydney Craft Week print program, website, and social media. Additionally, your event may be featured in news stories, EDMs and listed on external websites.
Ways to participate:
- Register your event or open studio.
- Take an advertisement out in the Sydney Craft Week print program. You can pay for a quarter, half, or full page in the guide. The deadline for this is June.
- Attend other maker’s events.
Program advertisement fees
Quarter page: $200.00
Half page $250.00
Full page $300.00
Download the SCW 2024 Information for Participants
Download the SCW 2024 Guide to Running A Sustainable Event
Key Dates
20 June Entry deadline
5 July Participants notified
22 July Final text and images, and advertising artwork sent to ADC for program
9 September Program live
3 October Festival launch event at Australian Design Centre
11 October Festival begins
Festival Dates: Friday 11 October to Sunday 20 October 2024
For more information, please contact the Sydney Craft Week team:
Email: sydneycraftweek@australiandesigncentre.com
Phone: 02 9361 4555
Facebook @sydneycraftweek
Instagram @sydneycraftweek
Top Images (l-r): ADC Makers Market October 2019. Photo: Rhiannon Hopley
SCW Events, Craft NSW, Saturday 7 October 2024. Photo: Amy Piddington