Festival Director's Message
31 August 2022
Welcome to the 6th annual Sydney Craft Week Festival!
The climate emergency has been deeply felt across Greater Sydney and NSW again this year with incessant rain and the resulting flooding and erosion scarring the landscape and causing devastating loss of life, homes and livelihoods.
The 2022 Sydney Craft Week Festival is focussed on this emergency and how through sustainable making we can make a difference. The creative community feels this impact and is focussing their minds on how we, as humans, can do our utmost to protect the increasingly fragile environment.
This is the first and only festival in Sydney dedicated to making by hand. This year is our 6th birthday with 180+ events including 80+ workshops and 38+ exhibitions across 45 suburbs.
Special thanks to all of the participants for considering the climate emergency and the impact on the environment in the events they have created for this year’s festival. A huge thank you to Studio A and artist Guy Fredericks for the cover artwork. We love your work!
Enjoy browsing the website sydneycraftweek.com. Follow us on social media for craft news all year round.
We hope to see you all at Australian Design Centre – the Sydney Craft Week Festival HQ – during the festival.
Until then join us in considering the environmental impact of everything that we do. Individual actions make a big difference.
Lisa Cahill
Festival Director
Images (l-r): Lisa Cahill opening Seed Stitch Contemporary Textiles Awards 2020. Photo: Rhiannon Hopley. Guy Fredericks, Earthen Seed, 2022. Photo: Tse Kin (William) LIU. Courtesy the artists and Studio A.